Shaun is back on the television in 2024!

Some great news in the last week, as the Australian television networks announce their shows for 2024, we get news that Shaun will be back on our screens after being absent for most of 2023 (and pretty much since the end of Mad As Hell).

Firstly on SBS: Shaun Micallef’s Origin Odyssey, where Shaun will travel abroad with some of Australia’s leading comedians to explore their cultural roots in. Shaun describes it as “Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery but with a budget”.

And on the ABC: Shaun Micallef’s Unnamed Project. Ok, so we don’t know much about this one, except that it’s NOT Mad As Hell with a new set, it’s a brand new show. As Shaun put it: “Suffice to say, it will not feature cooking, home renovations, marriage, singing, sport, RBT units, dogs, wilderness survival, quiz questions, news clips, stock footage, wearing masks, border security, amazing races, Lego, sitting on a panel or being marooned on an island in your underwear.” Possibly a bit more of a variety or chat show format, but we’ll have to see.

So we have to wait a bit longer before we see these, but a lot to look forward to next year! Very happy news!

6 thoughts to “Shaun is back on the television in 2024!”

  1. Excited to see these new projects with Shaun! Will be great to see him back to brighten the abysmal world that is TV!

  2. Sad to see the abc isn’t providing young and upcoming comedian a role in this timeslot. Mad as Hell was brilliant, and shaun was a great anchor, but the talent of the crew of actors made the show great. Shaun micallef has reached a level of comfort that he does not perform live stand up at, say the comedy festival where his work would be scrutinised and critiqued by an audience. Imagine if Gruen had a name change to “Will Anderson’s Gruen” – great anchor as Will is but it doesn’t work without the brilliance of the crew. It’s not about Shaun

  3. To be fair, Shaun was never a standup.
    Also, the ABC often labels shows “Such-and-such’s Show” – even the show after is “Guy Montgomery’s Guy Mont-Spelling Bee”
    It is a different format to his previous shows, so it will not be to everyone’s taste.

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