Well, we had the first episode of the new season of TBYG tonight and I enjoyed it. The guests (William McInnes, Jimeoin and Ricki-Lee) were a good choice for mine, and Jimeoin’s nonchalant attitude was worth a few laughs.
There were a few new games, but generally it was the same enjoyable format.
Games included: Accessory before the Fact (which item belonged to which TV/Movie character), TV Spin Offs and As Quick As (A fast round timed by a kettle; will we see other devices in future?!)
For the board choices, Gen Y picked Noises Off, BB had Watch Your Mouth and Gen X played Mash Up, which Shaun preferred to call Bands on the Pun.
The topic for all generations was Love (L’amour) and the end-game, worth 17 points, was a rat maze.
Gen X won the Benalla District Dance Association Runner Up trophy donated by Peter Gibson.
That’s my thoughts, what did you think? 🙂